Reasons to buy in
Guarantee of a registered trademark
Robot batteries It is a registered trademark under the ownership of Natalia González, legal administrator of Web Help Solutions SLU, company that operates the commercial activity of the brand under the domain of bateriasrobot.com.
Created with a clear vocation of permanence, we hope to be a benchmark of quality in the sector, we want to offer a high quality product and a commitment to total satisfaction to all our customers.
We recycle the same kilos we sell
We follow all legal requirements to sell batteries in our country. We comply with that established in Royal Decree 106/2008 of 1 February on batteries and accumulators and their waste environmental management. We contribute through a waste management system (http://www.ecopilas.es/sig.aspx) funding all the recycling of the same kilos of batteries that we put in the Spanish market. In addition, following the same rules, we are subscribed in the database that the Ministry of industry to post for this purpose.
Can you try including our CIF B22367890 at the following link.
A tradeelectronic legal
We comply with all the rules governing electronic commerce in our country.
LSSI-CE - law society and information services that regulates electronic commerce and establishes among others the obligation to identify clearly indicating ownership name of the company, CIF, register and tax address of the business.
Data Protection Act - law organic data protection that ensures the security of your personal data. Toodos electronic retailers are obliged to register in a database of the Spanish Agency of data protection.
Can you introduce our CIF B22367890 in the following link
Tracking and warranty
All our batteries are equipped with a unique serial number that is associated with each sale. In this way, we know that model have sold in each order, to each customer, as well as on the date in which it was delivered. We can make all our warranties accurately track.
Ifa customer calls us within the warranty period, we will give an immediate and reliable response.